Originální znění Pražské deklarace, která byla podepsána ministry dopravy zemí V4 a Slovinska

Originální znění Pražské deklarace, která byla podepsána ministry dopravy zemí V4 a Slovinska
13.5.2016Tiskové zprávy

The Prague Declaration

We, Transport Ministers of the V4 countries and Slovenia,

on the initiative of Mr. Dan Ťok, Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic, gathered in Prague on 13 May 2016 on the occasion of the V4 ministerial meeting together with Slovenia and representatives of the European Commission

STRESS that the rate of road fatalities must continue to decrease given that traffic crashes cause an unacceptable human, social and economic loss and harm physically, psychologically and materially the victims and their relatives;

URGE that it is necessary to consider road safety as priority of transport policies at national and EU levels and to ensure adequate financial and human resources for its implementation;


Express THE WISH to cooperate closely in order to provide citizens with
the optimal traffic safety conditions fulfilling their right mobility;

Confirm the aspirational target to achieve an overall reduction in the number
of victims in traffic crashes by 50% for death and by 40% for serious injuries between 2010 and 2020.

Andin accordance with the European Union road safety policy framework
for 2011-2020

STRESS that improvement of road safety requires joint efforts, constant and patient work at all levels.

CONFIRM the commitment to pursue further efforts for safer roads, safer vehicles and safer road users, notably by proper enforcement of traffic rules and continued education and training of road users.

TAKE INTO ACCOUNT the urgent need to focus on vulnerable road users, especially on elderly people, and to take appropriate measures to ensure their safe mobility.

DESIRE to cooperate to improve road safety in the future, also during the next V4 Presidencies.

WELCOME other initiatives related to road safety, as well as active participation
of other countries willing to follow the objectives of this Declaration.

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